Friday 18 April 2014

2014 latest lamp

Every once in a while a distinctive piece of driftwood comes along that is suitable for a lamp stem in it's own right. I think this is one of them. It took some time to drill through this piece to thread the cable and then fix the lampholder to it but the result was worth it. The base is a very rustic piece cut from a larger 'plank' found on one of the beaches in St Ives Bay.

As this is a little unusual, it has moved straight into our living room so no plans to sell.

However, as of today I have 4 lamps for sale on ebay and 5 in Echo Beach St Ives.

Friday 1 November 2013

Autumn 2013 - bedside lamps

This autumn has seen an increase in my sales via ebay, as well as continuing to have great sales at Echo Beach in St Ives.

Via the internet, I have mainly concentrated on advertising lamps that form a pair such as those shown above. My aim is to make two lamps that are the same height, have a similar base and use similar pieces to form the stem. Of course, they can never be identical.

This pair of lamps is listed on ebay as at todays date at a price of £118 for the pair, including shades but excluding delivery

Thursday 31 January 2013

New clocks for 2013

It is some time now since I have made and sold any clocks, but a few free days over the Christmas holidays was all I needed to get to work. These were made with driftwood collected from local beaches and with bits of pottery and pebbles washed up on St Ives harbour beach. They will go on sale in Echo Beach St Ives when it re-opens after the winter break in February 2013.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Summer lamps

Summer has again been a busy time for lamp sales and so has been busy in my workshop. Six new lamps were this week delivered to Echo Beach in St Ives to go on display. With my driftwood stocks dwindling as a result, last week's heavy seas were welcome and produced my best driftwood haul ever on Sunday. The location, of course, remains a closely guarded secret!

Friday 23 March 2012

Spring designs

In preparation for the increase of visitors to St Ives for Easter, I have been busy producing new items from driftwood collected over the winter. As seen above, this includes the first mirror to make it onto this blog; I've made others before but none have featured here. All of these items will be available at Echo beach with additional designs being offered for sale on ebay from time to time.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Helford river & Falmouth bay Lamp

This is my latest lamp, completed the week before Christmas 2011. Being somewhat clumsy, I managed to break the table lamp from our conservatory recently which left a gap that needs to be filled. So, I decided to make this reasonably large lamp to match the shade from the now smashed crackle-glaze lamp.

The pieces of wood used for this lamp were mostly collected from the Helford river and Falmouth bay area during a long walk earlier this year. We were not particularly on the hunt for driftwood but stumbled across loads on our walk and so I ended up with a rucksack full to carry around with me. The walk itself was great and the weather perfect; now we have a lamp to remind us of it.

The lamp will be a gift to my wife for Christmas so it's currently wrapped up awaiting the big day. Hope she doesn't look at the blog first! Not much chance of that I think!!

Monday 24 October 2011

New clock

This clock is again made from pieces of wood found on beaches local to St Ives, Cornwall. This is a departure from my usual works in that pieces are used that were originally painted before finding their way into the sea and being washed ashore for me to collect.

I came across the red and blue pieces within a month of each other in early 2011 and had the idea for a red white and blue clock then. The only problem was that I didn't have a piece with white paint on it! In October the centre piece was found and this is the result. The clock was recently sold by Echo Beach, St Ives.