Thursday 22 December 2011

Helford river & Falmouth bay Lamp

This is my latest lamp, completed the week before Christmas 2011. Being somewhat clumsy, I managed to break the table lamp from our conservatory recently which left a gap that needs to be filled. So, I decided to make this reasonably large lamp to match the shade from the now smashed crackle-glaze lamp.

The pieces of wood used for this lamp were mostly collected from the Helford river and Falmouth bay area during a long walk earlier this year. We were not particularly on the hunt for driftwood but stumbled across loads on our walk and so I ended up with a rucksack full to carry around with me. The walk itself was great and the weather perfect; now we have a lamp to remind us of it.

The lamp will be a gift to my wife for Christmas so it's currently wrapped up awaiting the big day. Hope she doesn't look at the blog first! Not much chance of that I think!!

Monday 24 October 2011

New clock

This clock is again made from pieces of wood found on beaches local to St Ives, Cornwall. This is a departure from my usual works in that pieces are used that were originally painted before finding their way into the sea and being washed ashore for me to collect.

I came across the red and blue pieces within a month of each other in early 2011 and had the idea for a red white and blue clock then. The only problem was that I didn't have a piece with white paint on it! In October the centre piece was found and this is the result. The clock was recently sold by Echo Beach, St Ives.

Monday 29 August 2011

This new design uses many small pieces of driftwood to form a 'lattice' stem. All the wood used to make this lamp, as with all my designs, was collected from beaches in the St Ives bay.

Saturday 13 August 2011


Clocks are another popular item that can be made from driftwood. The design very much depends on the pieces of wood that I am using. My latest creation is shown above and is currently on sale in Echo Beach St Ives for approximately £60. Three pieces of driftwood have been used in its construction (one has been cut into two pieces) together with 12 ceramic pieces that have also been collected from local beaches.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Driftwood lamps

Lamps have been by far the most successful item that I have made.

Most of my designs are table lamps although I have made and sold one Standard/floorstanding lamp.

I try to keep the pieces of wood in their original form but this isn't always possible, for example where a piece needs to be used as a lamp base. However, most of the pieces you see are unchanged from the way that I found them, save for drying and cleaning.

My first driftwood lamp, from October 2010

Driftwood designs in St Ives

I have started this blog to display some of my work that it for sale in St Ives, Cornwall.

Collecting driftwood has become part of my everyday life. I have lived in St Ives for 3 years now and started making items from the pieces that I collected soon after arriving here.

In October 2010 I saw a sign in a local shop, Echo Beach, saying that local art & crafts were required so I thought why not try to have some of my items for sale in my home town. I approached the owner of the shop and left some photos of my work. To my amazement she accepted my work and so that is where things began.

Even though it was the winter in St Ives, sales began immediately and my items have been popular since then.

This blog is designed to showcase items new and old.

I hope that you enjoy visiting